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Google's Design Sprint

A couple of weeks ago I managed to have a discussion with a colleague who had navigated multiple Google Design Sprints in a role.

The question:

'what would the 5 days look like in practice on the Design Sprint?'

Below is an excerpt of my findings.

[This is broken down into prep work before the Sprint and then onto the individual days on the Google Design Sprint.]

Pre: Design Sprint

  • A facilitator (external to the squad) would be required for the full 5 days.

  • Find a location outside of the standard work environment where the squad would not be interrupted and would be able to dedicate 5 full days (The Squad would need to focus a 100% on the Design Sprint alone for the 5 days)

  • The 5 days would need to be face-to-face and in person

  • Identify speakers for Lightning Talks and prep for the talks

  • Give some thought to the user testing e.g. do we need to bring in users for face to face interactions? These may need more upfront planning

Day 1: Understand

Goal: Determine the Problem Statement

- 9:15-9.30 am Introduction

- 9.30-10.00 am Ice Breaker

[Lightning Talk series: As the speakers proceed the team should be making notes on post-its to be shared later and affinity mapped.]

- 10.00-11.00 am Lightning Talk 1(Problem Statement from the Product Owner, Context, Background, Lean Canvass walk through)

- 11.15-12 pm Lightning Talk 2 (e.g. call centre stories, customer feedback, analytics, etc.)

- 12- 1 pm Lunch

- 1- 2 pm Lightning Talk 3 (e.g. Existing Product)

- 2-2.30 pm Lightning Talk 4 (Competitor Analysis)

- 2.45 - 3:45 User and Persona Journeys (Presented by XDs)

- 3.45 - 5 Affinity Mapping and Goal Setting - What's the Problem Statement?

Homework - who is solving problems like this ? e.g. car sales (Comparative Analysis)

Day 2: Define

Goal: Reach far and wide in what the solution could look like

- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 1

- 9.45 - 10.45 am Home work Showcase i.e. each team member gives a 3 minute talk on a comparative scenario stating: i) what you liked, ii) what you did not like.

- 11.00 -12.00 pm Crazy 8s and solution sketching.

- 12- 1 pm Lunch

- 1.00 - 5.00pm Crazy 8s. Each team member to present their Crazy 8' 5 mins each. The Crazy 8 s presented should be voted-on and a 3 Panel Story Board begun

Day 3: Decide

Goal: Decide on the Solution

- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 2

- 10.00 - 12 noon Storyboard Continues

- 12- 1 pm Lunch

- 1-2 pm Assumptions, risks, user test strategy (what do we want to learn?)

- 2-5 pm Decision made for the prototyping and 'No New Ideas'

Day 4: Prototype

Goal: Produce a clickable prototype

- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 3

- 10- 12 noon Mocks, Userflows, Prototype

- 12- 1 pm Lunch

- 1.00 -5.00 pm Prototype & Present

Day 5: Validate

Goal: Validate the Prototype with real users and accommodate feedback

- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 4

- User testing e.g. in person / face to face, online, phone, guerrilla, etc.

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