Google's Design Sprint
A couple of weeks ago I managed to have a discussion with a colleague who had navigated multiple Google Design Sprints in a role.
The question:
'what would the 5 days look like in practice on the Design Sprint?'
Below is an excerpt of my findings.
[This is broken down into prep work before the Sprint and then onto the individual days on the Google Design Sprint.]
Pre: Design Sprint
A facilitator (external to the squad) would be required for the full 5 days.
Find a location outside of the standard work environment where the squad would not be interrupted and would be able to dedicate 5 full days (The Squad would need to focus a 100% on the Design Sprint alone for the 5 days)
The 5 days would need to be face-to-face and in person
Identify speakers for Lightning Talks and prep for the talks
Give some thought to the user testing e.g. do we need to bring in users for face to face interactions? These may need more upfront planning
Day 1: Understand
Goal: Determine the Problem Statement
- 9:15-9.30 am Introduction
- 9.30-10.00 am Ice Breaker
[Lightning Talk series: As the speakers proceed the team should be making notes on post-its to be shared later and affinity mapped.]
- 10.00-11.00 am Lightning Talk 1(Problem Statement from the Product Owner, Context, Background, Lean Canvass walk through)
- 11.15-12 pm Lightning Talk 2 (e.g. call centre stories, customer feedback, analytics, etc.)
- 12- 1 pm Lunch
- 1- 2 pm Lightning Talk 3 (e.g. Existing Product)
- 2-2.30 pm Lightning Talk 4 (Competitor Analysis)
- 2.45 - 3:45 User and Persona Journeys (Presented by XDs)
- 3.45 - 5 Affinity Mapping and Goal Setting - What's the Problem Statement?
Homework - who is solving problems like this ? e.g. car sales (Comparative Analysis)
Day 2: Define
Goal: Reach far and wide in what the solution could look like
- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 1
- 9.45 - 10.45 am Home work Showcase i.e. each team member gives a 3 minute talk on a comparative scenario stating: i) what you liked, ii) what you did not like.
- 11.00 -12.00 pm Crazy 8s and solution sketching.
- 12- 1 pm Lunch
- 1.00 - 5.00pm Crazy 8s. Each team member to present their Crazy 8' 5 mins each. The Crazy 8 s presented should be voted-on and a 3 Panel Story Board begun
Day 3: Decide
Goal: Decide on the Solution
- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 2
- 10.00 - 12 noon Storyboard Continues
- 12- 1 pm Lunch
- 1-2 pm Assumptions, risks, user test strategy (what do we want to learn?)
- 2-5 pm Decision made for the prototyping and 'No New Ideas'
Day 4: Prototype
Goal: Produce a clickable prototype
- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 3
- 10- 12 noon Mocks, Userflows, Prototype
- 12- 1 pm Lunch
- 1.00 -5.00 pm Prototype & Present
Day 5: Validate
Goal: Validate the Prototype with real users and accommodate feedback
- 9.15 - 9.45 am Recap day 4
- User testing e.g. in person / face to face, online, phone, guerrilla, etc.